Name: Peregrin Took
Race: Hoobit
Played by:Billy Boyd
A long time friend of Frodo Baggins, he was, although not by the choice of
Frodo at first, a companion on the road to Rivendell. After the Council,
Pippin was very adamant that he intended to join the Fellowship, whether
he had the approval of the Council or no. Though he made two very crucial
mistakes along the road, first tossing a stone into the well in Moria, and
second, looking into the Palantir, Pippin far surpassed proving his
worthiness. Notable deeds concerning Pippin's tale in LotR include, aiding
in the rousing of the Ents, and after travelling with Gandalf to Gondor,
offering his sword in service to the Steward of the city. In the final
battle of the War of the Ring, Pippin was narrowly saved by Gimli, when he
was crushed under the body of a mountain troll.