Name: Frodo Baggins
Race: Hobbit/ Halfling
Played by: Elijah Wood

Frodo's info: Frodo is the Cousin to old Bilbo Baggins on the Took side. Frodo was taken in by his elderly cousin, and is to inherit all of Bag-End and everything in it. Frodo is the chosen one who must take the ring into the fiery depths of Mount Doom, where the ring was cast and destroy it. He is more or less reluctant to do so, and only agrees to do it after he sees the fighting & bickering of the other races.

Hobbit info: Hobbits are gentle folk and close to nature, they live off the land. They have hairy feet and have an average height of 3'6". Hobbits live in Hobbit Holes and they enjoy Eating, smoking pipes, drinking and storytelling. Most live to be about 100 years, with 33 years being the mark of adulthood. Hobbits and have natural immuneness to the ring's power. It takes longer periods of time to corrupt a Hobbit than a Human.
